Que tal,
El dia de hoy les traigo los cambios que vienen para las actualizaciones para Office 365 ProPlus, tal y como fue anunciado el 20 de Abril de este año (para ver el post aqui)
Entre los mayores cambios estan los siguientes
Dos actualizaciones al año. Con el esquema semi-anual Microsoft reduce de tres actualizaciones al año, a solo dos. Planeadas para Marzo y Septiembre.
18 meses de soporte. Microsoft extendera el periodo de soporte para Office 365 ProPlus de 12 a 18 messes (comenzando en septiembre, con el siguiente release), asi que se podra elegir actualizar una o dos veces por año sin perder soporte.
Tambien, han sido cambiados los nombres de los update channels, haciendolos mas descriptivos.

Todos estos cambios tendran efecto en SEPTIEMBRE 2017
La liberacion por defecto para Office 365 ProPlus cambia a dos veces por año.
Actualmente , Office 365 ProPlus obtiene las actualizaciones para el First Release for Deferred Channnel en Febrero, Junio y Octubre. Y estan disponibles cuatro meses despues para Deferred Channel.
A partir de los cambios de Septiembre, obtendra las actualizaciones para Semi-annual Channel (Targeted) dos veces al año, Marzo y Septiembre. Y para el Semi-annual Channel, cuatro meses despues, en Julio y Enero.
Office 365 ProPlis, continuara recibiendo actualizaciones de seguridad y calidad mensualmente, para estos update channel on el segundo martes de cada mes.
Aqui una descripcion grafica de como es que quedaran las actualizaciones.

Proximas actualizaciones para Office 365 ProPlus
First Release for Deferred Channel
Semi-annual Channel (Targeted)
Deferred Channel
Semi-annual Channel
IT Pro action to take
June 13, 2017
New features are released to First Release for Deferred Channel.
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
This is the last release using the name “First Release for Deferred Channel.”
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 12, 2017.
Important: You only have 3 months, instead of 4 months, to do enterprise pilots and application validation, since the next release is scheduled for September, so plan accordingly.
New features are released to Deferred Channel.
This version of Deferred Channel is supported until January 2018.
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 12, 2017.
Important: The next release with new features is only 3 months away, instead of 4 months, so plan accordingly.
Continue to deploy these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with First Release for Deferred Channel.
If you find problems with First Release for Deferred Channel, provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
July 11, 2017
August 8, 2017
If needed, quality updates and security updates are released to First Release for Deferred Channel.
This is the regular update schedule for this update channel.
If needed, quality updates and security updates are released to Deferred Channel.
This is the regular update schedule for this update channel.
Continue to update these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously.
Continue to do enterprise pilots and application validation with First Release for Deferred Channel, and provide feedback to Microsoft, as needed.
September 12, 2017
The first Semi-annual Channel (Targeted) is released.
This release contains new features.
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
This is the first release with the new name and the new release schedule.
The next release with new features is scheduled for March 13, 2018.
New features are released to Deferred Channel.
This version of Deferred Channel is supported until July 2018.
This is the last release using the name “Deferred Channel.”
The next release with new features is scheduled for January 9, 2018.
Continue to deploy these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the names and cadence are changing, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
Be sure to be aware of the new release schedule. There is no longer a release in October for Deferred Channel or for First Release for Deferred Channel.
January 9, 2018
The first Semi-annual Channel is released.
This release contains new features.
This version of Semi-annual Channel is supported until March 2019.
This is the first release with the new name, new release schedule, and the new support duration.
The next release with new features is scheduled for July 10, 2018.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
Be sure to be aware of the new release schedule. There is no longer a release in February or June for Deferred Channel or for First Release for Deferred Channel.
March 13, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 11, 2018.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
July 10, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel.
This version of Semi-annual Channel is supported until September 2019.
The next release with new features is scheduled for January 8, 2019.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
September 11, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
The next release with new features is scheduled for March 12, 2019.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel
(Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premier agreement or your Microsoft account representative.
Espero les sea de ayuda.
Today I bring to you some coming changes to update channels for Office 365 ProPlus, as was announced on April, 20th (you can find more info here)
Major changes are.
Two updates a year. Microsoft will reduce the number from three updates per year to only two , planned on March and September.
18 months of support. Microsoft will extend support from 12 months to 18 months for Office 365 ProPlus,(starting on next release), IT admin can choose to update once or twice a year.
Update Channel names will change

All this changes will apply on SEPTEMBER 2017
The default enterprise release schedule for Office 365 ProPlus is changing to twice a year
Currently, Office 365 ProPlus gets feature updates in First Release for Deferred Channel in February, June, and October. Those feature updates are then available in Deferred Channel four months later.
Starting in September 2017, Office 365 ProPlus will get feature updates in Semi-annual Channel (Targeted) twice a year, in March and September. Those feature updates will then be available in Semi-annual Channel four months later, in July and January.
Office 365 ProPlus will continue to receive security updates and quality updates monthly, as needed, for these update channels on the second Tuesday of each month. There are no changes to the Office 365 ProPlus release schedule for Monthly Channel.

Upcoming schedule for Office 365 ProPlus releases
First Release for Deferred Channel
Semi-annual Channel (Targeted)
Deferred Channel
Semi-annual Channel
IT Pro action to take
June 13, 2017
New features are released to First Release for Deferred Channel.
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
This is the last release using the name “First Release for Deferred Channel.”
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 12, 2017.
Important: You only have 3 months, instead of 4 months, to do enterprise pilots and application validation, since the next release is scheduled for September, so plan accordingly.
New features are released to Deferred Channel.
This version of Deferred Channel is supported until January 2018.
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 12, 2017.
Important: The next release with new features is only 3 months away, instead of 4 months, so plan accordingly.
Continue to deploy these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with First Release for Deferred Channel.
If you find problems with First Release for Deferred Channel, provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
July 11, 2017
August 8, 2017
If needed, quality updates and security updates are released to First Release for Deferred Channel.
This is the regular update schedule for this update channel.
If needed, quality updates and security updates are released to Deferred Channel.
This is the regular update schedule for this update channel.
Continue to update these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously.
Continue to do enterprise pilots and application validation with First Release for Deferred Channel, and provide feedback to Microsoft, as needed.
September 12, 2017
The first Semi-annual Channel (Targeted) is released.
This release contains new features.
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
This is the first release with the new name and the new release schedule.
The next release with new features is scheduled for March 13, 2018.
New features are released to Deferred Channel.
This version of Deferred Channel is supported until July 2018.
This is the last release using the name “Deferred Channel.”
The next release with new features is scheduled for January 9, 2018.
Continue to deploy these update channels in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the names and cadence are changing, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
Be sure to be aware of the new release schedule. There is no longer a release in October for Deferred Channel or for First Release for Deferred Channel.
January 9, 2018
The first Semi-annual Channel is released.
This release contains new features.
This version of Semi-annual Channel is supported until March 2019.
This is the first release with the new name, new release schedule, and the new support duration.
The next release with new features is scheduled for July 10, 2018.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
Be sure to be aware of the new release schedule. There is no longer a release in February or June for Deferred Channel or for First Release for Deferred Channel.
March 13, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
The next release with new features is scheduled for September 11, 2018.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premieragreement or your Microsoft account representative.
July 10, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel.
This version of Semi-annual Channel is supported until September 2019.
The next release with new features is scheduled for January 8, 2019.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
September 11, 2018
New features are released to Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
Enterprise pilots and application validation should begin.
The next release with new features is scheduled for March 12, 2019.
Continue to deploy this update channel in your environment as you have been doing previously. Even though the name and cadence has changed, how you deploy remains the same.
For enterprise pilots, validate your line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted).
If you find problems with Semi-annual Channel (Targeted), provide feedback as soon as possible to Microsoft through your Microsoft Premier agreement or your Microsoft account representative.
Hope this helps you.