I brought to you the automatic renewal for a FE Pool in the last post. Today is turn to automatic renewal for Edge Internal Certificate.
This script automatically renew the Edge Internal Certificate.
Just schedule a task to run the script every week and listo!
As the previous script , you need to fill an input information
$day = here you set how many days before expiration you want to renew your certficate (I put 15 days by default) $ca = The Certification Authority Path ” FQDN Server\ CA NAME” $caaccount = User Account with admin privileges on CA. $capassword = Account Password $FriendlyName = The Friendly Name you wish to your certificate $domainName = Edge Pool FQDN and/or Edge Servers FQDN / Subject Alternatives Names

Once you set all information, you can configure a schedule task to run every week.
You can download here
Hope this help you.
Que tal!
Ya les había traído la manera automatica de renovacion de los certificados de un Pool de FE en el post pasado. Hoy es turno de la renovación automatica del certificado Interno del Edge..
Este script renovará automaticamente el Certificado Interno del Edge.
Solo programa la ejecución del script cada semana y listo!
Como en el script previo, necesita que llenes un poco de información
$day = here you set how many days before expiration you want to renew your certficate (I put 15 days by default) $ca = The Certification Authority Path ” FQDN Server\ CA NAME” $caaccount = User Account with admin privileges on CA. $capassword = Account Password $FriendlyName = The Friendly Name you wish to your certificate $domainName = Edge Pool FQDN and/or Edge Servers FQDN / Subject Alternatives Names

Una vez que este lista toda la información, programa la ejecución del script una vez por semana y olvidate de preocuparte por renovarlo.
Puedes descargarlo aquí
Espero sea de ayuda.